Born in Marmarth, ND. ...a young cowboy. When I got married had a section of land 21 horses and 23 cows and a saddle.
Now, radios... Built a 5 meter tranceiver in the late 1930's with the parts list and instructions in a Popular Mechanics magazine. Mmy elmer was Elwood Miner. He had gone to Chicago where his mother lived and studied electronics at Coyne. He didn't have ham license and neither did I. Our 5 meters didn't work all that well.
Later in life, railroading in Seattle and Chicago. I got a first class commercial license and a ham license in the 50's. A DX100 (which i still have) and a a Hallicrafters SR150, an NCL2000 and a quad and got DXCC. QSLs by mail from a more than 100 foreign countries. Next, a Yaesu FT301, a Metron 1kw mobile amp. ..and mobiled and a 7600 a DX2500. and wires and verticals.
Was in the army in WWII. Worked for Milkwaukee, Santa Fe, NP, BN, SI railroads as brakeman, conductor and radioman. Worked at Boeing on B-52 and Minuteman. Was technical writer for Milmanco, have an A&P license. (opens in new browser window)
...and now barely on this side of the grass.
My antenna farm ...a city lot. .. .3 wire antennas.. ...(Inverted vee type)... . the 160 ant.... .going from front corner of the lot.. .diagonal to back corner and across the front and back of the lot. 250 feet of wire.. 50 by 150 ft lot... .(looking down / picture a S for the 160 antenna)..the 80 and 40 wire antennas are fed with Belden 8210 balanced line a cushcraft R6000 verticle planted with the base 4 feet off the ground, no radials in about the center of the lot. .and the Cushcraft transformer at its base removed.. to me on SSB, CW, AM, PSK31, RTTY, iPhone, Skype, Echolink. CQ100
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