I was first licensed in 2001 and retired in 2005, really enjoy the hobby. My XYL is a technician, her call is K8JLJ. I like to chase DX on 20 meters and work 6 meters when the band is open. I have an ICOM 756 and a HyGain six element 6 meter beam and a Hustler 6BTV ground mounted vertical with 36 ground radials which I use on 20, 15, 10, I added 17 meters which is the radial on the side, it works great ! I have worked many Dx stations on 20, and 17 meters with this antenna. My other radios are a Yaesu FT-990, Heathkit SB-104a, Kenwood twins, Kenwood tl-922, Ameritron AL-811H,
I also have a Johnson Viking II transmitter, with Viking 122 VFO and a National RAO-7 Navy receiver for my AM station.
If you work my station and would like to exchange a QSL card send direct, no SASE required in the USA, via the Bureau or eQSL.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Thanks For Looking!
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