I have been a radio amateur since 1958. Currently you will find me mostly on HF, and on 3.987 with the Rock River Radio Club (Beaver Dam, WI) on Saturday mornings at 11 AM Eastern,
I operate from 160 through 6 Meters with an ICOM IC-7700 and also have a Ranger, Central Electronics 200V and a T-368 for AM. Antique Sideband is with the Collins S-Line and a KWM-2 with a 30L amp.
For Antennas I use a Tennadyne Folded Terminated Dipole and hopefully soon a DX-Engineering Hex Beam along with a Cubix 2 Meter/70 CM Quad for 2 and 440. (The tower is due to go up 57 feet this spring (2015) I have not yet decided on a rig for vhf/uhf. For a portable and secondary rig I use a KX3 driving a small TenTec 50 Watt amp. into a Buddipole portable rotatable dipole.
My wife Diane and I love to travel and have visited many places in Europe. The Picture you see is taken at the entrance to the main harbor in Antwerp, Belguim.
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 Last update ⇰ July 3, 2017