My first Elmer helped me, and gave me the Novice Test. He was W9ZFF Bill, who moved to Chicago. Myself and two other young guys went to his house every week and learned CW until we could copy the 5 wpm required to pass the Novice Test. Other Elmers, who also helped and encouraged me were: W9PUB Dave Pavel, who later was W7YP, W9PLW Roy Hulvey, my 2nd Elmer and friend, W9MBM Frank Erdman, & W9AJA Malcolm Swan. At that time I was a member of the Lake County Amateur Radio Club in Gary, In. A great group of guys belonged to it.
Myself, K9KLR Nick Lash & K9JZZ Dennis Gilbey worked the CW Novice Field-Day Station together in June of 1958 at Gilroy Statium in the Gary Civil Defense Trailer. Some other friends I knew during those early years who also received their licenses at that time were: K9IZK Steve Vukusic (now KQ7E), K9WWT, Ed Perosky, and K9PFQ, Gerry Razus.
Years later from 1961 to 1967, I served in the US Navy as a Radioman. For a short time, I was on the USS Tutuila ARG-4, out of Newport News, Va. I also served at Naval Air Station Glenview, Illinois as a Radioman.
I Like to chase DX and DX-Peditions. Also, I just like to rag-chew with DX-stations to learn how they live in other countries. I Work Phone and CW mostly on 20 meters and 40 meters, but do operate 10m, 15m, 17m, and 30m when I can.
I also enjoy some AM work on 80 meters and 40 meters and enjoy checking into the "Midwest Classic AM Radio Net" on Saturday mornings. I enjoy looking at and reading about all the old vintage AM & SSB Receivers and Transmitters like Collins, Hallicrafters, Johnsons, Hammarlunds, Atlas', Swan's, Drake's Zenith Transoceanic's, ect, ect. I Love those Johnson Desk-top Kilowatts, Viking Rangers, Viking 500's, and Hallicrafters SX-88 Receivers. What neat AM Equipment !!
I also operate 2m FM. I'm interested in all types of QRP Rigs, QRP operation, and QRP antennas. I operate QRP at home and in the field while camping or in primitive areas whenever possible.
My QRP Equipment is: An Index-Labs QRP-Plus All-band CW & SSB Transceiver with an LDG-Z11 Auto Tuner, Oakhills Research QRP swr/watt meter, a Paddlette Company QRP Paddle from the state of Washington, and a Nelco portable 12v power tank. My QRP Antenna's are an all-band Slinky made from a Kids Slinky Toy & and home-brew Coax Dipole antenna's (Bazooka's) for 20, 40, & 15 meters made of Rg-174u coax.
I'm a member of the "FLYING-PIGS QRP CLUB International" #1708 & "OMISS" #4165
My son is KA9FAX Tony. He operates most of the same bands, and also likes to chase DX. He too operates QRP, and is interested in all types of QRP Rigs. Some of his other Hobbys are, RC Planes, RC gas powered racing Boats, & RC Sailboats. He also enjoys Long-Distance bike riding of 100 miles or more.
Please, No E-Qsl's. I reply 100% to only paper Qsl Cards and letters.
73, Good-Luck to you on the Bands & Thanks for looking, de Alex K9KAN
Our sincere condolences to Alex K9KAN who lost his wife, Diane on January 27, 2017. They were high school sweethearts and were married for 54 years. Diane's passing was a shock to Alex and his family because she only became ill in early January.
Welcome to Amateur Radio Station K9KAN
I was first licensed as a Novice Operator in October 1957 as KN9KAN when I was 14 yrs old. My first station was a Globescout Transmitter from World Radio Labs (WRL) in Iowa and a Hallicrafters S-40B Receiver with an added Q-Mulitplier into a Dipole Antenna about 35 feet up. I worked Japan on forty meters with those radios and that dipole and got hooked on chasing DX ever since. A year later I upgraded to K9KAN.
 From Harry N9CQX, March 1, 2017...
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