Wiliam Prepejchal K9YHH passed away on January 23rd, 2017 at 89 years of age. He was a US Army veteran and a retired engineer from the Argonne National Laboratory.
Bill was a long time member of the MCRN and was a ham for over 55 years. He was active in the SATERN NET (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network). For a while he acted as the Central Territory net control station. He was technically minded and liked to build electronic equipment and do experimental projects.
Besides ham radio his interests were vegetable gardening and performing cooking creations for his vegies. He was also a gun collector.
Bill was a very congenial person who was easy to talk to and loved his ham activities. He gave up checking into our net when he developed medical problems for the last several years, first with back surgery that didn't go well and then with dementia. He had to have a live-in care giver for over a year and then he and his wife, Miriam moved to a nursing home in Iowa a few months ago to be near their daughter, Susan.
Bill was always seen attending hamfests with his buddy, Don K9MUF, until his health failed.
Our condolences to Bill's family and his good friend Don who provided us with the above information.
From Harry N9CQX
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 Last update ⇰ February 12, 2017