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I started studying at Chicago's Allied Radio store, taking their code classes in the spring of 1962. I guess wasn't too dedicated as it took another 27 years to finally get my Technician License in 1989. I started with the Novice test @ 5WPM, took the Tech element, passed, took the General element, passed but failed the code. Became a Tech + until I managed to blow the window for upgrading to General. Finally took and passed General in 2013. I'm a real ball of fire aren't I?
In the intervening years I went to the old DeVry Technical Institute, got a degree for "Electronic Engineering" and got a 1st Class Radiotelephone Operator's License. Managed to pay expenses and had a heck of a ride while working at WLS from 1964 thru 1967 (That's a story worth 5 pages at another time). Worked at small and medium radio stations in Chicago and some TV work. That was when radio & TV still had humans running the show.
Had a packet station/node on the network (CAPRA) for a number of years in Arlington Heights until a direct lightning strike took out both nodes (2mtrs & 220), the house wiring, major appliances and resulted in dirty looks from the XYL for several months. So, over the years my Ham activity has been very active, somewhat active, or inactive, depending upon family life, career demands, and sunspots. After many years in media related fields, retired in 2011 and now have time to catch up with Amateur Radio.
Winter QTH is 45 miles northwest from Chicago and the summer QTH is 37 miles north of Sturgeon Bay, WI. Enjoy chasing DX and Special Events but like a good old "rag chew." Also, you can usually find me on MidCars most mornings (7.258 LSB).
I am a member of the McHenry County Wireless Association (MCWA), Door County Amateur Radio Club (DCARC), Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). I also do occasional reporting for the Radio Amateur Information Network (RAIN) for founder and executive producer, Hap Holly KC9RP.
Amateur Radio and I have been together for many years. My Elmers have been "Hap" KC9RP, Jim N9GBH and Doug N3AIA." Also, Bill W9HEP (SK), who introduced me to HAM radio in the '60s. He had a long wire fed with ladder line from his house to his garage. It looked like the masts of a ship at sea with all the wires and rigging. He also had some converted Santa Fe Railroad VHF FM gear that totally fascinated me and really drove my interest in HAM radio.
I have modest stations - a mix of old & new - in the summer my QTH is Sister Bay, Wisconsin I have a Yaesu FT-902DM with Antenna Tuner, Multiscope, 2 & 6 meter Transverter, and speaker/phone patch and a Super G5RV. The winter months my QTH is Algonquin, Illinois and I use a Yaesu FT-450D and an LNR EFD 10/20/40 qrp antenna (I live in a condo).
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