Greetings all. I am active in many modes on multiple bands. If you are local to my area, you can hear me on the 145.43 repeater quite frequently, or just drop by one of the Kansas City Amateur Television Group meetings. Although we are an ATV club, our interests range across the board of ham operations. We welcome all newcomers, whatever your interests in ham radio are.
Pictured is my latest creation, a compressed air antenna launcher. This is the first model but improvements are sure to follow. The launcher is capable of launching a projectile towing a line over a 100ft tree with only 50psi of charge. This thing is a ton of fun and if you use wire antennas, you should try one.
If you happen to run across my signal on the air, please give a shout as I always enjoy new contacts. Unfortunately I am terrible about sending out QSL cards but I am registered on EQSL and try to keep up to date on it somewhat at least.
Thanks for looking at my profile and hope to hear from you soon.
73, Justin KC∅OGH
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 Last update ⇰ June 30, 2017