I retired from Miller Electric Mfg. Co. in Appleton in 2012 and have been busy collecting my dream station or the rigs that I drooled over when I was a kid. My favorite mode is AM and I have collected a nice selection of vintage gear.
My AM stations consists of:
My SSB equipment is a Yaesu FT-100, Icom IC-761, Kenwood TS-820, Yaesu FT-101EE, Swan 350, Heathkit SB-101 with SB-640 VF), Drake TR-4C, Drake 2B with a Hallicrafters HT-37. I also use an Ameritron AL-811 amplifier and a Collins 30L-1 amp and a MFJ 979D tuner. I can be found most days on 3908 and 3963 SSB and 3885 AM. 73 Karl
I was first licensed in 1979 as KA9DYF. My friend Ron Doering WA9QNN (SK), gave me my Novice test and that opened up a whole new world for me. I currently live in New London, WI., which is about 40 miles West of Green Bay and 100 miles North of Milwaukee.
Heathkit Mohawk Receiver & Apache Transmitter, National NC-300 Receiver & a Heathkit DX-100B Transmitter, a Collins 75A-3 receiver & a Johnson Viking II transmitter, a Hallicrafters SX-100 with another Viking II and a R390A receiver with a Johnson Viking Valiant transmitter.
We are saddened to report that Katie Bruehl, XYL of Karl, KC9AA for 30 years, passed away on Thursday, May 27th. Harry N9CQX
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