In the shack are an Apache with an RME 4350, a Kenwood TS 820, a Globe Champion 350 with an HQ 180, an Icom 2100, a Kenwood TS 850 with the Heathkit SB 200, a Kenwood TS 870 into a Kenwood TL 922a.
Not pictured is the Yaesu FT 847 for 2 meters, 6 meters and 430 MHZ.
All the equipment has separate center fed dipoles or Delta Loops, with the exception of the 2 meter rigs having homebrew J-poles and a homebrew 7 element yagi at about 40 feet on 2 meters with a Mirage B2516 amp and a M2 6m5xhp on 6 meters at about 30 feet. The 70 cm antenna is an old Cushcraft 424 at about 35 feet with a RF Concepts 4-310.
Work all modes, well, AM, SSB, SSTV, RTTY, PSK31, CW (as long as you don't mind a slow fist!!)
Oh yeah... FM once in a while!
73's Dave
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