I use and maintain primarily vintage tube ham gear. I have a quite extensive (excessive???) collection of boatanchors. As of late, my station consists of a TRW built T-368F transmitter and National NC-300 receiver for AM/CW, and a Collins KWM-2/30L-1 for ssb (and 10m CW).
I never became interested in digital modes.
I am interested in one "digital" mode. FISTS # 13002, SKCC # 2909 submitted as evidence. Straight keys and bugs are my preference over electronic keyers.
The photo is my fully operational, period correct mobile hamshack. The car is an unrestored survivor (yes, original 52 year old upholstery and Ermine White lacquer) 1963 Impala sedan, with a Drake TR-4 and rare MC-4 mobile console (installed after photo was taken). Power comes from a DC-3 supply.
The antenna is a blue/aqua Webster Bandspanner, (As seen in 1963 QST ads on the rear of Barry Goldwater's K7UGA '63 Corvette), on a Hustler bumper strap mount. J-37 mil surplus leg-strap key, and Shure 505C controlled reluctance microphone are used with the setup. I may occasionally be heard on SSB or CW in the mobile, generally on 40m. The Bandspanner is a cloud warmer on 75/80. If you hear me calling KC9IEQ/M, this station is what I'm using. Photo courtesy of Greg N9CHA.
I was first licensed in 2005 at the age of 20, at the second to last "Radio Expo" hamfest in Grayslake, IL. I went in hoping to pass my technician exam, and left having passed both elements 2 and 3- the technician and general written exams. At the last Grayslake hamfest the following year, I took and passed my code exam. A few years later in 2008, I broke down and took the extra class examination. Of those three, I honestly found the technician class exam to be the most difficult. This was probably a result of having had basically zero exposure to ham radio aside from some basic understanding of electronics, and starting from scratch.
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