My First day as a Ham
October 17th 2013 at 07:52 Central USA time I keyed my brand new VHF Icom 2300H and gave my call sign on one of the popular simplex frequencies. Quite a few Hams welcomed me into the hobby that morning. My hands were sweaty from the excitement.
What got me interested in Amateur Radio
I originally contacted a ham (did not know he was a ham) about building a .64 wave antenna but quickly found out I just didn't have the equipment or training to build that type of antenna. He guided me through a sharp learning curve about all aspects of radio. I even tweaked a Galaxy CB to make it sound very good in AM as well as SSB mode. I was striving for a clear, natural sounding radio without any surgery to the unit. I also did not want to be an overmodulating menace. I was very careful when adjusting it so I would sound the best I could acheive.
On the night of September 26th, 2013 I called my Elmer on his telephone and told him I passed my technician class exam with a good score. I could basically hear that gentleman leaning back in his chair smiling with a big sense of accomplishment and pride. Hahaha. Thank you, K3DAV, you sure have helped me learn a lot about radio. Dave, your website articles ( have helped me greatly too. NOTE: Dave's website will cease to exsist June 2017 because the donations are not enough to support the increasing cost of the website.
The morning of July 11th, 2015 is quite memorable for me. I became a proud Elmer when my friend KD9WTE (formerly KD9EGL) passed her Technician exam. Good for you Kristie, your diligence in studying got you a fine score on the ham test. Kristie's call-sign appeared in the FCC ULS on July 24th, 2015. It was my pleasure helping Kristie with her studies, she was a listful student. I am proud of Kristie and happy for her. As my good friend K3DAV put it, "It feels good to help someone out, and when they succeed - that is a really good feeling." Dave was proud of both Kristie's accomplishment and mine as an Elmer with a 'grad under my belt'. Kristie's interest in radio was sparked by her parents, AC9GK Steve & KB9NPO Diana.
Update April 28th, 2016: I passed my Extra Class license exam with 100%. (Congratulations, Mike! DE MCRN)
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