I am from Virginia born and raised. I live in Ohio now after a long story but the short version is the wife is from here.
I had my novice ticket back in 1978 until high school and life got in the way. I do not get the chance to get on the air as much as I would like but really enjoy the Ohio QSO party and the Ohio parks on the air.
I have two radios that I use off and on. A FT-817 and a FT857. Both are great radios and I enjoy operating both of them. My main antenna is a horizontal loop of about a 80 full wave that I use on all bands. It is up about 20 feet and one side is near the gutter on the house so it favors south from here. I enjoy building things and like to play with different antennas from time to time and am trying to get a good mobile setup going as I spend a lot of time driving the company truck on maintenance rounds.
If you are reading this I have talked to you and I appreciate you taking the time. Take care and hope to talk to you again. 73
This picture was taken during the Ohio States Parks On The Air. One of my favorite contests, along with Ohio QSO party.
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