I started ham radio back in 1961. I got started with shortwave listening using a Knight-kit Ocean Hopper. Over the years i got the DX bug and i worked 200 plus countries. Next i got into AM operations with some heavy metal tube type rigs like the T-368 and WRL Globe King 500s. Now days i own a Johnson Ranger with my favorite receiver the Hammarlund HQ-150.
My antenna farm has a Force 12 C-3 tribander, Fan dipole 80,40,30 meters 3 element M2 6 meter beam at 70 ft and a quarter wave sloper for 160 meters. Iwork all modes with alittle digital.Iam on the air just about everyday monitoring most of the bands.
Being so close to beautiful Kentucky Lake I also go fishing in the spring and fall seasons. Its hard to beat some pan-fried crappies for dinner. I am also a big sports fan.I follow the Chicgo Bears and the Chicago White Sox along with the Black Hawks. I was a big NASCAR fan for awhile but that has faded out. It's not the same without the number 3 wrecking everyone.
I will see you in the pileups.
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