The picture was taken on our visit to the HAARP facilty in 2008 where I also attended the Alaska State Convention.
Here are some interesting articles: (pages open in new browser window)
I need to get some pictures back up of the HAARP visit where you can see my dad, my brother-in-law NL7W and my nephew KL7SH. You might even recognize a few famous HAMS. Gordon West WB6NOA is wearing the yellow vest. Chip Maargelli KJ7A and his wife Janet KL7MF were also part of the visitor group. Chip used to work for Yaesu and was on the Tonight Show where he and Ken Miller K6TCW beat the young guys in a contest of CW versus cell phone text messaging back in 2005. Chip was working for Heil Sound so he was in charge of the Heil booth. It was a real pleasure getting to meet Steve Bernhardt W4YHD, who gave us an excellent tour.
I am currently the president of the Davenport Amateur Radio Club out of Davenport, Iowa. I also belong to the Muscatine Amateur Radio Club from Muscatine Iowa as secretary (where I served as president for a number of years) and the Green River Valley Amateur Radio Society from Moline Illinois. I am employeed by Central Iowa Power Cooperative out of Wilton, Iowa as the Communications Technician.
I was one of the operators that helped put W1AW/∅ on the air for Iowa. I had a good time and it was a super rush to have what sounded like a 100 people calling at one time. I now know what it is like to be rare DX but being able to sleep in my own bed that night. I plan on operating again when Iowa is again active during the last week of December and may even try to work from Illinois when they are active. I plan on up grading my antenna system this summer and fall and hopefully will be able to pick up more stations than before. Not to mention be able to log more of the W1AW portable stations as it is lots of fun seeing how many different bands I can make contact on.
It currently stands that W1AW/∅ Iowa had over 36,000 contacts. It was unfortunate that we were not able to operate on SSB during the WPX contest otherwise the count would have been even higher.
73' and Good DX
I have been licensed continually since 1976. I have had the callsign N2AM as a vanity call since 2002. I actually waited a period of time as the FCC froze issuing vanity calls during the time of the anthrax mailings that took place in late 2001 through 2002.
HAARP-Like Project Underway at Arecibo Observatory
Wikipedia article on HAARP
High Powered Transmitters for Science
The most powerful short-wave station on Earth
Kevin N2AM
PS ➙ Remember that Life is too short for QRP!
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