I received my call while stationed at Vandenberg AFB, CA., in the USAF. I was in the Air Force for 12 years. Did lots of CW as 1 of 3 Ham stations on the base. Always had a pile-up of people wanting to work a military installation.
My daughter is also a Ham, KC8HVM. She also likes the vintage gear. I have a few YouTube videos featuring her and other vintage Ham sets.
On the side, I enjoy rebuilding old tube Ham transmitters and receivers. If you need some assistance or vintage tubes, I usually have them on hand. I hope someday to finish some of my high power AM transmitters. Still have the day job and a household that restricts my time. Always looking for vintage tube projects. If you have something, drop me a line.
I run CW on 40 meters most nights around 7.115 mhz. On that band, I am usually on a Ranger or my TT Omni 6. Just put up a tower, so now my dipole is at 45 feet. I also dabble in QRP, running a TT Argo V in the field. Great hobby. Hope to hear you out there.
Here's my video of the 2011 AM Swap Meet at Sturgis, Michigan ➙ hosted by Gary KI8BQ
AM QSO 10 meter band Johnson Valiant transmitter and National 303 Receiver
Here's my video of the Globe Socut transmitter
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