Hello fellow hams,
I first got started in Ham Radio shortly after High School. I always had a fascination with electronics and really knew nothing about ham radio until a local 11 meter guy with ham radio knowledge opened the door to this wonderful hobby. I studied the Gordon West exam material and listened to morse code on tape. I then had my mother drive me to Manitowoc, WI in 1994 for testing. That day I entered into the hobby with my Technician License. I since have upgraded a General Class License and still love the hobby.
I enjoy vintage equipement of all types and you can find me most often on the Vintage SSB Net Sat. Mornings on 3840. Hope to here you there sometime.
73's N9TBE
Believe it or not this was once a hog barn & chicken coop. My wife now calls it the "HAM HOUSE"!
A couple of pictures of the interior before my renovation.
After renovation. Studded walls and insulated also installed a raised floor. The original concrete floor was tapered for waste management when used as a hog barn.
This building is two rooms with only one currently remodelled, this summers project is to start the second room and loft area. As with many of these buildings they end up being storage and I have a ton of cleaning in order to start the summer project.
Thanks to Leon K9AAW for his support in the building process. I have learned a great deal and am still learning. I can't wait to start my next project.
Operational on 20m-160m. 10 and 15 will need more work, but you really don't need big power on those bands if conditions are good. Here are a couple of pictures of the 2 tube 813 amp (Grounded Grid). A time tested solid amp!
I hope you enjoyed your time here. 73's N9TBE
My new shack.
My First Homebrew Amplifier
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