Home Equipment
HF: Yaesu FT-101E with YO-100 Scope for AM, Yaesu FT-847, Henry Radio 2K4 80-10m amp, Heathkit SB-1000 160-10m amp. Double Bazooka antennas on 160, 80 and 20m. Wire dipole on 40m.
Weak signal VHF/UHF: Same FT-847 with TE Systems amplifiers on 6m (375w), 2m (350w) and 70cm (185w). 6 element yagi on 6m, 13 element yagi on 2m and 19 element yagi on 70cm. A pair of stacked Par Omni-Angle horizontal omni-directional antennas on 6m and a stacked quad of Par Omni-Angle horizontal omni-directional antennas on 2m.
D-Star: Icom IC-2820 VHF/UHF mobile. IC-91AD VHF/UHF portable.
Monitoring Equipment: Icom PCR-2500 and Grecom PSR-600. I currently have the PSR-600 streaming Sauk County Public Safety traffic at Radio Reference. (opens in new browser window)
Mobile Equipment:
Icom IC-706MKIIG with Little Tarheel II (long whip option) HF antenna. Icom IC-2820 for analog and digital D-Star FM. Uniden Home Patrol with GPS option.
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 Last update ⇰ June 21, 2017