My profession is a broadcast engineer and electronics technician. I used to own radio station KOKB, a 1000 watt daytime AM on 1580Khz, in Blackwell, Ok .
I also installed 5 radio stations in the country of Honduras, in Central America while working with Evangelistic Faith Missions. In all total are family served in Honduras for 16 years. Many have listened to HRPC broadcasting from San Luis,Honduras on 3.250khz
I am a retired Army signal officer. Serving as the Communications and Electronic Officer of the 1/189 Field Artillery Battalion,and the 45th Infantry Brigade and several other military units.
I returned back to the United States from Honduras in 2006 and worked several years as a Avionics Tech for Cessna Aircraft company, in Independence, Kansas. I now work in the engineering department for Standard Motors Corporation, in their engineering lab, Independence,Kansas
I have been married since 1971 to my wife Devona. I have two daughters, two grandsons and a granddaughter. My oldest daughter Sheryl has the call KB5QNL. My youngest daughter Kara is KC∅UXI.
My interest mainly now is in vintage radio, on 80 meters and 160 meters. I am using a Johnson Desk Kilowatt driven by a Johnson Viking Ranger, with a Johnson Kilowatt matchbox feeding a full wave loop on 80 meters. I also have Collins KWM2 with a 30L1 amp. My modern rig is a Kenwood T-2000 which can drive the 30L1 or a Henery 2KD amp. On 160 meters I use the TS-2000 or a Ranger driving a Heathkit Warrior amp converted to cover 160 meters. I use a folded top hat on 160 meters. I have several receivers that I can use: National HRO 50T, Drake R4A, Collins R-388, Hallicrafters SX-28 and SX-100, National NC270, Collins 51S-1 and a Hammarlund HQ-180C.
I use a Mosley Cl-33 on 10,15,and 20 meters. I also use a B&W all frequency doublet for MARS, and I have a DX Enginering sloper.
I am a member of Army Mars, and hold the call AAR7AD.
I was first licensed in December of 1962 at the age age of 13 years old. My first station was a SX-99 receiver and a Adventure transmitter. My original call sign was WN5FFK and my home was in Blackwell, Oklahoma. I then received WA5FFKW5FFK. I went on the air on Christmas eve, 1962 since my Adventure transmitter was my Christmas present. I still have the Johnson Viking adventure and try to make a contact with it each Christmas season.
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