Station comprised of Elecraft K2/100 (3075) with all the options including DSP filtering and KAT100 autotuner. I use HamRadioDeluxe for rig control, an excellent program for almost all Ham Rigs. I also operate remotely using this program and Skype over the internet from WiFi hotspots so you may find me on-air almost anytime. You can find it at (which I am an administrator of the site). For Portable operation I use a Elecraft KX1 (57) with the 30 meter and ATU options (great little rig to go anywhere). KT34B tribander at 52 feet, shortened DX sloper for 30 thru 160 meters. Multiple VHF and UHF antennas to cover 6 meters, 2 meters, 222MHz and 430-450MHz. Operates multiple repeaters...53.03 (-1mhz), 444.850, and support technician and equipment provider for 442.100 and 443.300, all Milwaukee area repeaters. Active in WERA (Wisconsin Experimental Radio Association).
Proud member of ARRL, RCA (Radio Club of America) and RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain).
Married, 1 daughter (on active duty in Iraq 2003/2004).
Active on all bands 160 thru 70 cm, plus experimental activity on higher bands. Early adopter of packet radio in the early/mid 80's, One of several stations given an STA in the 80's to operate unattended HF packet stations prior to the change in rules. Active since 1963 with a small hiatus in the late 60's early 70's. W9BSO was a Club Station operated by Boy Scout Troop 61 in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was the instrumental impetus to become a ham.
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 Last update ⇰ June 14, 2017