Hi, My name is Ron, I was born in Laurium, Michigan in Oct. 5, 1934. Got my first Ham license in March of 1952 with the call of W8JOT. After WW2 my father, W8KDE got back on the air with CW, and when I heard him call CQ and someone answer him, that did it for me. When I got that ticket, I made a bee-line to my friend George, W8FWG to first put my ticket to use. How exciting!
Then in 1960 licensed as W∅CHU in Winona, Mn. Moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin in 1962. Got my present call as W9EOA, then in 1964 got hired by La Crosse Telephone Co. Owned by Centel. Retired from Century Tel. in Feb. 20, 1998.
Got married to my wife Lois in 1957 and have two boys and two girls, all married and provided Lois and me with 9 grand children. Two great grand children.
My other Hobby is flying RC airplanes with my youngest boy Dan. That is about it, I can really go on forever with information.
I also enjoy restoring the older classic tube type gear and building HB tube CW rigs. My present SSB gear is a Kenwood TS-690S, CushCraft R-6000, HB 40/80 meter trap dipole and HB 4CX250Bs linear. My A.M. stations are a TSS-50D/NC-57 and VikingII/HQ-170C.
John 3:16 Romans 5:8
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