I'm a volunteer on the Lake Linden and Torch Lake Railroad, located in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The #3 is a narrow gauge (3 ft) steam loco built for the local mining industry in 1915. It is restored and now running at the Houghton County Museum grounds. It runs on a 3/10 mile oval track.
I've been licensed since 1970 and have had four other previous 8 and 9 calls. Amplifiers: Homebrew linear amp: single 3-500 (160M - 10M). Restored Heath SB-220 (from W9CNE (SK), Ten tec Centurion, Emtron DX-2sp (Australian made amplifier 4CX2500), Henry 5K Classic. Receiver: Drake R-8A. AM TX: K7DYY Super Senior, FT-101B (AM); CW/SSB/AM: Icom IC 7300, Ten Tec Orion I, Ten Tec Orion II (From estate of my friend, Red, K9VIF - SK).
Antennas: 80 M dipole fed with ladder line and tuner (used for 80 - 10). 160 M full wave horizontal loop fed with ladder line and tuner - can be used 160 - 20 M. 160 M 1/2 wave inverted vee up 65 ft at center (bottom fed with ladder line and tuner).
Also a 74 foot guyed tower in the back yard, and have a top loaded 70 foot vertical wire alongside for 160 meters. It is bent in an "L" (30 foot top loading) at the top. Since it is not a full 1/4 wave (complete inv. L) it is somewhat hi-Z at the bottom feed. But with an appropriate network I am able to feed it against a fairly extensive radial system.
Worked 31 years in entertainment radio receiver design and EMI/RFI measurement/reduction techniques. Now retired. Also some part time work in broadcast engineering (TV, FM, and directional AM).
We live North West of Calumet, Michigan in the Keweenaw Peninsula (aka "Copper Country" - the copper mined here fueled the electrical revolution in the early 20th century - (Now for island hunters: 'Copper Island' MI096L) in the Western Upper Peninsula and overlooking Lake Superior. Lots of room up here for antennas and low ambient noise.
I operate SSB, AM phone (using a K7DYY transmitter, IC 7300, FT101B, or Orion) and pound a little brass from time to time.
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Here is the output of my live tower cam. The camera is located 45 feet up on the tower and is 575 feet above Lake Superior. The camera is pointed South-West. Looking left along the shore you can see the North Portage Entry to the Keweenaw Waterway. (REF: http://pasty.com/upper_entry.jpg}
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