Licensed continuously since February 1955. Formerly WN9OPD, W9OPD, W0NPD in Iowa, KR9P, and now W9PJ. Trustee for Illinois Historical Radio Society call, W9USA. You will find me on CW, AM, FM and SSB, 2-160 meters.
This great hobby led me to a career in 2-way radio system sales and management with, RCA, Motorola, EF Johnson, GE, and Ericsson GE. I also served 6 years in the Air National Guard, 264th Communications Squadron, as a radio operator, CW instructor, and section head.
My Interests are DXing, especially six meters since 11-2001, CW rag chewing, vintage equipment, cars, and boating. I have been a member of the NIDXA, Northern Illinois DX Association, since 1968, and on the Number 1 DXCC Honor Roll, 362 confirmed. I have 94 entities on 6, and 6 meter WAC and WAS. I hope to attain 6 meter DXCC one of these years. I really enjoy hearing from old friends. (page opens in new browser window)
73, Paul
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