Although my given name is Sidney, my friends know me as Skip. I've been a licensed ham since 1972 when I was issued WA1REL. I was able to get W9REL as a vanity callsign after moving from Vermont to Wisconsin in 1977.
I can't say I have a favorite HF band and tend to roam at will. I've been known to hang out on 75, 40 and 60 meters. I can often be found on VHF or UHF simplex or repeaters (analog and D-Star) in Waukesha, Milwaukee, and Jefferson counties.
I've recently retired and now have more time to play radio!
I've been involved with emergency communications through Wisconsin ARES/RACES for over 30 years and presently hold the position of RACES Chief Radio Officer for Wisconsin.
My other hobbies include flying and photography. My wife says I've chosen liberally from the category of expensive hobbies!
Should you hear me on the air, please give me a call.
73//Skip W9REL, Wisconsin RACES Chief Radio Officer
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