I am a NCS for Maritime Mobile Service on 14.300 Mhz, and am the District Emergency Coordinator for West Central District, Wisconsin ARES/RACES. I am also into photography, and 5th wheel camping, wood working, metal working. I enjoy all of the different modes in ham radio and dabble in many of them, some more than others. I enjoy working on and building antennas although my lack of mobility is starting to hamper things I still try and like helping other if I can.
I also run a 70cm repeater on 444.350 + PL 110.9, enjoy contesting, dxing, and rag chewing.
I am a VE and instructor helping teach some of the ham classes in the area . We try to hold a class in the Spring and another in the Fall each year and have done so for the last sevaral years.
I help the Chippewa Valley Amatuer Radio Club, Members page and am the webmaster for the club. I have served as treasure, VP, and president of the club as well as one of the founding fathers of the club. Page opens in new browser window
I am enjoying my retirement from 30 years with the Chippewa County Sheriff's Department, and having served as Sheriff of Chippewa County.
Hi folks, I have been a ham since the 60's. I was orginally WN9CMJ, I was expecting my call to change to WA9CMJ, however to my surprise I was given the call of WA9PAM. I recently changed it to W9RMA trying to find an easier call for contesting.
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 Last update ⇰ June 12, 2017