William "Bill" Ross, long time friend, member of ARCI and AWA, became a silent key on March 2, 2016. He had been battling cancer for about 1.5 years. Bill was not one to lie around and let this issue keep him from going to work or from conducting vintage ham activities.
Bill served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War on a destroyer and a carrier. He worked downtown Chicago, commuting from the North Shore up until a month before he passed away.
Besides vintage ham radio, Bill collected old time radio premiums, vintage model trains, American Indian pottery and early (mechanical) TVs. Bill and his radio buddy, Ron, WB9IMR, worked on various vintage radios together.
A recent project they were most proud of was restoring the John T. Meck transmitter that Bill then used to check into the net.
Bill was very active in the Antique Radio Club of Illinois, lately conducting a ham radio forum. He also was a member of many other Midwestern and some national clubs.
From Harry N9CQX
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