Licensed since 1966. Located in Reinbeck, Iowa (Grundy county Grid: EN32QH).
I enjoy installing antennas, working the digital modes, CW, D-Star, building and operating QRP rigs, staying in contact with friends, and occasionally DXing.
The station includes an Elecraft K3, KPA500 amplifier, KX3, KAT500 antenna tuner, Elecraft K2 and separate 100-watt amp and auto tuner, Elecraft K1, Collins KWM-2, Palstar AT2K antenna tuner, a Retro-75 for QRP on 75-meters AM, a Heathkit HW-16, the Hallicrafters HT-32 and SX101A, and the original novice station with a Knight T-60 transmitter, and a Motorola GTX on 900 mhz. Antennas include a 80-meter OCF at 35 feet, Tennadyne T-6 log periodic and 3-element 6-meter beam, and a 6/2/440 meter vertical. Battery power and solar panels are used occasionally.
Other interests include experimental aircraft construction, recreational aviation and flight instruction, professional business services, electronic projects, family, friends, pets, and enjoying life.
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 Last update ⇰ July 22, 2017