I have been licensed since 1968 in Rockford Illinois. My original Novice station was a Knight Kit T-60 transmitter and a National NC-183. What a wonderful station! Too bad there are no pictures of it, just faded memories.
My modern station consists of a Kenwood TS-590SG, Ameritron AL-80B amplifier, and a K4KIO hex beam up about 35'. I recently achieved DXCC and received my certificate, something that I've wanted since 1968. I know this is small potatos to real DX'ers but it is a personal goal that I've wanted for a long time.
The rest of the time I enjoy the nostalgia of operating vintage tube ham radio's. This photo shows my 1970's tube boat anchor station. From left to right, the Collins 30L-1 amplifier, Drake W-4 wattmeter, Drake T-4XC transmitter, R-4C receiver, MS-4 speaker/AC-4 power supply, and my Drake "bling".
A photo my 1950's boatanchor station, the classic EF Johnson Viking Valiant and Collins 75A4. I use this station for vintage AM and CW.
I have been the manager of the Antique Wireless Association's Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party for the past 12 years. Once a year this group puts on 1929 style self excited transmitters and trys to work as many other 1929 stations as possible. My transmitter is a 1928 styled Colpitts oscillator using a pair of type 10 tubes in Push-Pull. I can get to 10 watts output with a very "charming" signal on 80 meters, a more buzzy signal on 40m. I've worked as far a Maine, BC and ONT Canada, California, Florida, Utah, New Mexico.
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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away. . .
1935 Gross CP-100 transmitter, National NC-101X, 1930's logbook, 1925 ARRL Convention pin.
The Antenna Farm: I run three HF antennas. I have a ZERO-FIVE 43' vertical in the back yard with 13 radials in a 180 degree radius, as the antenna is up against a neighbors property line. I have a motorized tuner at the base so I can tune it from the house. The antenna easily covers 80-10 and it's been a good performer especially considering its location down the hill from the house and number of radials. I also have a 200' inverted vee fed with 450 ohm ladder line and I use a Heathkit SA-2060A to tune it. There is a K4KIO Hex Beam on top of the house.
Close up of the antenna on the roof ▶
Me at W9HHX/R on top of Margaret Locke
Residence Hall at the Milwaukee School of Engineering around 1976. |
Me at the main operating position at W9HHX Milwaukee School of Engineering around 1976. Note the "pocket protector"... I worked mainly RTTY and I worked the world with that Drake 4B station driving a Collins 30S-1 to maximum output power, feeding a Hygain TH6DXX on top of the school building. The TTY was a Teletype Model 28 ASR and we used a HAL ST-6 Terminal Unit. When I replied to someone's CQ and they didn't answer, I knew they heard me. hi hi |
73, Scott WA9WFA

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