K.W. Electronics was a British manufacturer of amateur radio equipment founded in the mid 1950s by the late Rowley Shears G8KW. It was based in Dartford, Kent, and manufactured a wide range of high frequency band receivers, transmitters and accessory equipment. The company ceased production during the 1970s. (page opens in new browser window)
KW Vanguard transmitter
KW Valiant transmitter
KW Viceroy SSB transmitter
KW Vespa SSB transmitter
KW 76 receiver
KW 77 receiver
KW 103 SWR meter
KW 107 Supermatch ATU
KW 110 Q multiplier
KW 160 transmitter
KW 201 receiver
KW 202 receiver
KW 204 transmitter
KW 600 linear amplifier
KW 1000 linear amplifier
KW 2000 transceiver
KW Atlanta transceiver
KW Electronics KW-202 Receiver and KW-204 Transmitter