I have now a radio and antenna a random wire about 130 ft. in to the tuner. I run about 50 to 100 watts. Have worked several countries. I also check into several nets as well. I enjoy DX when I can.
Hello, I am from Northern Kentucky and lived in the Cincinnati metro area for over 25 years.
I currently live in southeast Indiana on the river in a the Historic town of Madison.
I learned code when I was 13 years old at an ARRL class at the local high school and passed the 5 words a minute.
I missed getting my novice after buying a novice rig. Then being a teenager went to CB radio and used what I learned with building dipole antennas for 11 meters and modifying radios.
Then in 1995 got my Technician license. Around 1998 upgraded to General passing the 13 words a minuet requirement.
I have restictions as I live in a 100 year old High School. I do really enjoy HF and DXing
I have met some really great guys with remote base ham stations. I really appreciate these guys for allowing me to use their systems.
I love ham radio.
My current HF antenna is an end fed dipole antenna about 88 feet long. Very stealth. You can't see it.
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