  First Name Gary
  Location Midland, OH
  Prior Call(s) ⇰  WN8TZK  WB8TZK
  Other interests ⇰  
  Email W8PU
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Licensed in 1975 as WN8TZK and later upgraded to Advanced as WB8TZK. Upgraded in 1977 to Extra and became W8PU.

Main interests are in the older tube gear especially Drake, and including Heathkit, Collins, and Hallicrafters. I enjoy working AM on 75 and 40 meters as well chasing a little DX now and then. I also enjoy working 144, 222, 432, 1296, and 6 meter CW/SSB.

The antenna farm consists of a Hygain Hytower vertical 80 - 10 mteters, a three element tri-bander at 65 ft, a six element 6 meter beam at 70 ft, a 35 element 1296 beam at 56 ft, 10 element 222 yagi at 53 ft, a 25 element 432 beam at 50 ft, a 13 element 2 meter beam at 75 ft, an inverted L for 160 meters, an OCF Dipole for 80 - 10 meters, and a trap dipole for 30 / 60 meters.

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  Last update July 9, 2017