  First Name Scott
  QTH White Bear Lake, MN
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I have been licensed since 1968 in Rockford Illinois. My original Novice station was a Knight Kit T-60 transmitter and a National NC-183. What a wonderful station! Too bad there are no pictures of it, just faded memories.

My modern station consists of a Kenwood TS-590SG, Ameritron AL-80B amplifier, and a K4KIO hex beam up about 35'. I recently achieved DXCC and received my certificate, something that I've wanted since 1968. I know this is small potatos to real DX'ers but it is a personal goal that I've wanted for a long time.

The rest of the time I enjoy the nostalgia of operating vintage tube ham radio's. This photo shows my 1970's tube boat anchor station. From left to right, the Collins 30L-1 amplifier, Drake W-4 wattmeter, Drake T-4XC transmitter, R-4C receiver, MS-4 speaker/AC-4 power supply, and my Drake "bling".
A photo my 1950's boatanchor station, the classic EF Johnson Viking Valiant and Collins 75A4. I use this station for vintage AM and CW.
I have been the manager of the Antique Wireless Association's Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party for the past 12 years. Once a year this group puts on 1929 style self excited transmitters and trys to work as many other 1929 stations as possible. My transmitter is a 1928 styled Colpitts oscillator using a pair of type 10 tubes in Push-Pull. I can get to 10 watts output with a very "charming" signal on 80 meters, a more buzzy signal on 40m. I've worked as far a Maine, BC and ONT Canada, California, Florida, Utah, New Mexico.
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  A long time ago in a galaxy far far away. . .

1935 Gross CP-100 transmitter, National NC-101X, 1930's logbook, 1925 ARRL Convention pin.

The Antenna Farm: I run three HF antennas. I have a ZERO-FIVE 43' vertical in the back yard with 13 radials in a 180 degree radius, as the antenna is up against a neighbors property line. I have a motorized tuner at the base so I can tune it from the house. The antenna easily covers 80-10 and it's been a good performer especially considering its location down the hill from the house and number of radials. I also have a 200' inverted vee fed with 450 ohm ladder line and I use a Heathkit SA-2060A to tune it. There is a K4KIO Hex Beam on top of the house.

Close up of the antenna on the roof  


Me at W9HHX/R on top of Margaret Locke
Residence Hall at the Milwaukee School of Engineering around 1976.
Me at the main operating position at W9HHX Milwaukee School of Engineering around 1976. Note the "pocket protector"... I worked mainly RTTY and I worked the world with that Drake 4B station driving a Collins 30S-1 to maximum output power, feeding a Hygain TH6DXX on top of the school building. The TTY was a Teletype Model 28 ASR and we used a HAL ST-6 Terminal Unit. When I replied to someone's CQ and they didn't answer, I knew they heard me. hi hi

2000 2015 2017

73, Scott   WA9WFA

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