SK December 4, 2013
Charles York of Muskego, WI had a bad fall on 4 Dec 2013, that he never recovered from and he passed away 3 weeks later on the 28th. He was a very frequent participant to the Midwest Classic Radio Net, always cheerful, full of humor and helpful.
Dave KC9CLM (Charles' son) ➙ Dad spoke often about the net and how helpful and nice all the guys were. If anything was planned for Saturday morning it was always planned around his net time! Here is a picture of dad's QSL card for anyone that didn't get one in the conventional manner. Note that his card was specifically designed to NOT include SSB in the mode area. Dad was truly an AM only operator!! Occasionally he operated some CW for good measure.
Pat WB9GKZ ➙ Charles was quite the ham. I used to listen to him in the late 1960's after I built my Star Roamer... because he was on AM! One time, I was at the Grayslake hamfest. I was with Jim K9RJ and others. Charles walked up, looking very tired and thirsty, it was a hot one that day. We gave him something to drink and sat him down in a lawn chair. He was happy to stop and talk (in that wonderful drawl). He then went merrily on his way looking for treasures. He was a very humble and grateful individual. Charles pronounced crystal, kris-chee-yell and pronounced chimney, chim-blee. I learned these "correct"pronunciations of common words when I listened to him on 75 meter AM.
Don K9MUF ➙ Knowing that Charles was from Tennessee and that his name was York, I once asked him whether he was related to Sergeant York, the famous WW1 hero. He said that he was a distant relative, but I can't remember what that was. Charles was also a Korean war vet; but most people probably know that.
Rodger WQ9E ➙ I'm sorry I never got to meet Charles in person. He was definitely one of the good guys.
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