QTH is 8K east of Madison, Wisconsin. I began as a novice in 1963 as WN9HDY and enjoyed many cw contacts with a simple Heathkit DX-20, AR-3 and a Hammarlund HQ129X. I had lots of help from WA9EBP Fred now KF9U and others through the years. As many before me I got interested in SWLing first in the late 1950s and still enjoy it. After my novice expired I ended up with a tech class enjoying 6 meter SSB and the early days of FM. With help from long time friend WA9PWP Paul I got my General. Advanced and Extra class licenses followed. Current station includes a FTDX5000D, FT2000, FT101EE, Tempo One, Drake T-4X, R-4, 2NT, 2C, SW4A, Dentron GLA1000, two FL2100Bs, AL80A, AL82, VHF and UHF Yaesu radios and of course a DX20 and Hammarlund HQ129X. The antennas are a Mosley TA63N at 20 meters, Hustler vertical and a Alpha Delta sloper. I enjoy DXing and helping new hams. I answer all SWL reports. Looking for my old QSL card WN9HDY.
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